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What Kind of Computer Should I Buy
When you buy a personal computer, you need to know what kind of computer to buy and what components to get. We give you step by step advice on all the parts.
This article will walk you through the choices you need to make and provide guidance for what to choose.
In order to answer this question properly, you need to decide what type of user you are and what special needs you may have. Additionally, you need to determine how much you want to spend and whether you would consider buying a used or refurbished computer.
General Guidelines
As a general rule, my opinion is that one should get the most computer that they can afford without getting the actual top of the line.
Computer technology changes rapidly and today's super fast and capable computer rapidly becomes outdated. Unless you are interested in swapping your computer frequently, getting a very capable current computer should hold you for at least a few years.
The very top of the line computer demands a premium in price that is generally not worth it and one level below has at least 95% of the capability of the top.
If your budget doesn't allow for this solution, you need to be aware of the tradeoffs in various choices that you will have to make.
Computer type selection
You should first decide if you want a laptop or desktop computer. I've discussed the issues at length in my article entitled Desktop or Laptop? The main question is if you have the need to be mobile even though your computer will cost more and possibly have less capability.
Depending on one's finances, you may opt for used computer or for a blowout special. Great savings can be achieved by taking this route.
However, used computers present support challenges and the risk of early breakdown. Low priced bargain computers may be limited in ultimate capability and need to be carefully evaluated. I hope to discuss these options in greater detail in a future article.
Heavy duty 3D gaming is a whole new world and generally pushes current computer technology to the limits with top of the line powerful and expensive units and is out of the scope of this article.
Component choices
1. Processor
If money is not a pressing issue, single core computers should not be purchased. Dual core processors are more powerful and, for most users, any dual core processor based computer should suffice for standard activities such as word processing, email, browsing the web, watching DVD's, doing one's finances and the vast majority of other tasks.
If you need to do heavy database querying, complicated mathematical computations and number crunching or heavy encryption, you should get one of the higher end processors.
2. Operating system
Assuming a Windows PC, the choices are between XP and Vista. Vista Service Pack 1 (a set of fixes to the known problems of the operating system) has not yet been officially released and the first service pack usually makes a big difference. My opinion is that if there is a choice, Vista should be avoided until SP1 is officially released.
If you are very familiar with XP and don't want to struggle with learning a new operating system or you have a program that is not supported on Vista yet, XP can do everything you need and you can request it worry free if your vendor allows for this option.
If you select Vista, at a minimum you should not get Vista Home Basic but rather select Vista Home Premium. For maximum OS power, Vista Ultimate should be chosen. The detailed options for Vista are outlined in my article Which Vista should I Use?
3. Monitor
A 17 inch monitor is probably the smallest that you should settle for. You can select larger ones if you so desire. Some monitors come with built in speakers if that suits your needs. If you want your computer to double as an entertainment center, you should consider purchasing a high definition or plasma monitor. Dell has an excellent summary of their choices here
Dell Monitor Link
4. Memory
The most crucial factor in terms of computer performance is the amount of memory. When you buy computer memory, a minimum of a gigabyte of high speed memory should be selected to support today's demanding operating systems and programs. 2 gigabytes would be even better.
If one is engaged in heavy duty graphics such as CAD (Computer Aided Design) or 3D gaming, or if one is doing heavy database access or number crunching, even more memory should be added.
5. Hard Drive Size
Major manufacturers are offering drives with 250 Gigabytes of storage on their lowest end computers. This should be more than enough for most users.
6. CD and DVD burner
Drives that read and write to CDs and DVDs are cheap and you should specify read and write for both. Don't accept CD read/write and DVD read only.
Blue Ray and HD DVD disks can hold up to 50 gigabytes but the drives needed to use them are much more expensive than standard DVD drives. Standard DVD drives will run around $50 while Blue Ray will cost around $600.
7. Video card
The type of card that you get depends on the type of activities that you are planning;
1. Basic user - word processing, internet browsing, email and DVD movies
The basic level card will suffice for this. It should have at least 128MB. 2 representative cards are the Nvidia 7300GT and ATI 1300XT.
2. Vista Aero User or light gaming, rich media, and general entertainment
This capability requires mid level graphics power and a card with at least 256 MB of its own internal memory should be purchased. A sample card would be ATI HD2600XT
3. Edit and view photographs in brilliant color
A mid level card should be used for this. One example is the NVidia 8600GT, All cards from this level and up should have at least 256 MB.
4. Playback HD quality content
The card should have HDMI outputs to attach to external displays. 2 possibilities are Nvidia 8600gt or ATI HD2600XT.
5. 3D accelerated games in high definition player, CAD (Computer Aided Design), video editing or high level graphic design
3D gaming makes the greatest demands on the computer's video systems and the sky is the limit here. In general, the highest level card that your system will accept will provide the most satisfying experience.
The detailed options for each of these levels of activity are described in my article Video Cards Demystified.
8. Sound and Speakers
The standard sound card offered by most manufacturers is fine. If you have special requirements, the major dealers describe the advantages of the various upgrade offerings.
Speakers project the sound of your computer. Better speakers provide subwoofers and different levels of surround sound.
9. Keyboard and mouse
Connected or wireless versions are offered. Be sure to get an optical mouse. They are much more reliable than a trackball mouse.
10. Media reader
These are usually listed as 15 in 1 or 13 in 1 card or media reader. This device allows you to directly get data off of a number of devices such as digital cameras, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and others.
11. Modem
If you want to send or receive faxes or connect to the internet via a phone line where high speed internet may not be available, you will need a modem.
12. Wireless network
If you plan to connect to a wireless network, you will need a wireless network card in your computer. Standard network cards are built in.
Best of luck with your purchase.
By David Freitag
How To Protect Your Computer From Viruses

Unfortunately for us, there are many people out there who get a rise out of writing small programs that find ways onto our computers and in most cases destroy personal file, data or steal out identity. This article explains some steps we can take to defend ourselves.
What is a computer virus?
A computer virus is a small program that piggybacks on legitimate programs. It is called a virus because it shares the traits of a biological virus where is passes from one computer to another in the same manner a biological virus passes from one person to another person. Once a computer virus is running, it can infect other programs and documents.
Types of computer viruses:
There are many types of viruses but the most common are:
- Viruses: a small software program that attaches itself to other programs and/or documents
- E-mail viruses: these viruses move around through email and usually replicates itself by automatically mailing itself to people in the victim's address book
- Trojan horses: this is a computer program that claims to do one thing but instead does another such as erase your hard drive
- Worms: this is a program that finds a small hole in computer network security and replicates itself on to other computers on that network.
How does a virus get into our computer and how do they spread?
Some of the most common ways a virus can get on your computer are:
- Downloading a program from an unknown source and running it
- Opening a file attachment from an e-mail
- Sharing infected files from one computer to another on a floppy disk
- Opening an electronic greeting card, audio and video files
What are the signs of a virus, am I infected?
- Your computer runs slower than normal
- The computer stops or locks up
- Your computer crashes and restart every few minutes
- The computer restarts on its own and does not run properly
- Applications on your computer do not run properly
- Hard drives or disk are not accessible
- Your computer cannot print properly
- Unusual error messages appear
- Menus and dialog boxes are distorted
What kinds of damage can a virus do?
The damage a computer virus can do depends on the type of virus it is. Here are some common threats.
- They can delete or change files. Some viruses will delete all your files or even reformat your hard drive making your computer unusable
- Other viruses will steal personal information like credit card numbers, account numbers and passwords
- Some viruses will slow down your computer dramatically
- Some viruses change security settings allowing hackers to gain access to your computer and steal information
- Other viruses like worms infect computers on a network
What you can do to protect your computer from viruses?
There are number of ways to protect your computer from a virus:
- Do not open any attachments your received in an e-mail even if you know the person who sent it. That person may not be aware they are sending an infected files.
- If you receive an e-mail with an attachment from some one your do not know, DELETE the e-mail right away.
- Before you copy a file to your computer, scan it with an anti-virus program
- If you download a file from the Internet, copy it to your hard drive first, scan it with an anti-virus program before to open the file or run it.
- if some sends you a greeting card or a joke that you have to launch to view, be awry and stay on the safe side and do not open it
- The best defense against computer viruses and to use an anti-virus program that will scan your e-mail, act as a firewall, hard drive and keep up-to-date with the latest viruses. It is reported that there are over 500 new viruses discovered each month.
Fortunately for us, there are a number of software programs available to prevent, detect and kill computer viruses. I recommend the one below, I use it and it is one of the most popular anti-virus programs around.
By Joseph Camerlin
Laptops vs Desktops

Ever considered the differences between a laptop or desktop computer? This is my opinion on how to choose
Laptops have always seemed a very desirable item to have. Not only do you look pretty good but you have the ability to take your computing anywhere. Up until recently thought I would have always advised against these.
Why would I do this? Well there were several factors – some are still applicable today. Laptops used to be very expensive. You would get much more power and reliability for spending half the money on a desktop PC than you would paying double the money for a laptop. What’s more, the laptops would often slow down dramatically when they heated up, not good considering that Laptops, with their minimal air circulation, heat up extremely quickly. Another thing to consider is what happens if these laptops go wrong? On a desktop PC if your RAM fails you go and buy RAM from any manufacturer at the going rate and hey presto – you are back. Same applies to the motherboard and many other parts. All parts in a desktop PC can be chopped and changed, relatively easily and at a reasonable price. Now if your RAM or motherboard fails in your laptop what happens here? Well basically the manufacturers have you by the short and curliest. You can generally only buy the parts from the manufacturer directly, they can charge what they like as there is minimal if not zero competition. Not only can they charge what they like, you can often wait weeks to get the necessary part.
People also have this idea with laptops that they can take their computers anywhere and play their games or surf the Internet with total freedom – This is partly true of a new laptop with a new battery. After what I think is quite a short time your battery will no longer hold its charge for the 2 hours it did when it was new. It will now only last half an hour – and of course, if you are doing something demanding, like game play or similar, you can expect this time to reduce by at least half again. So your portable computer now has to be plugged into the mains – therefore not so portable after all! I have put the laptop down, it’s expensive if it work, it’s very expensive if it breaks. It’s not as potable as you think and it’s performance is not going to be as good as you hoped.
This is all changing now as laptops have plummeted in cost. Whereas you used to have to pay a minimum of £600 ($1200 approx.) for a low spec machine, you can now pick up a decent make, decent specked machine for about half that price. Now if you weigh up the fact that a desktop PC is going to cost you around £200 for anything half usable, then you need a monitor – the laptop is already winning on cost. Also the technology regarding heat dissipation has improved dramatically so you can expect your laptop to stay cool for longer and perform better in the heat.
Yes the battery life has somewhat improved but still a lot of work to be done here to make them ultimately portable. However the new light compact machines can easily be transported from home, to the office, to your mates etc etc with ease and all your data comes with it. You of course still have the issue if something goes wrong but there are now thousands of these machines being sold – this means, if you pick a decent brand, there are loads of spare parts around on Ebay or similar.
I now do all my work on a laptop. I plug in an external keyboard, as typing on a laptop keyboard is not comfortable. If I did want to play any games then I think I would still side with the desktop but for day to day use the laptop is the winner. Easy to put away, minimal wires, minimal mess and ultimately a portable office.
Olly is the Webmaster for the online computer store JBO Solutions – bringing the UK excellent prices on top branded graphics cards, TFT Monitors and computer components.
By Olly F
Free Desktop Freebies – Get them now
The Internet is hampered with free things and desktop freebies are no exception to it. Today one can find number of sites through which you can get free desktop freebies for your computer.
Are you looking for some free desktop freebies?
The Internet is hampered with free things and desktop freebies are no exception to it. Today one can find number of sites through which you can get free desktop freebies for your computer. All these freebies are easily downloadable on your computer. A proper search can help you download freebies that are totally safe and virus free. All you need to do is relax and select the best of desktop freebies for your PC.
Some of desktop freebies that can be downloaded free are:
a) Free Desktop Screensavers: Get a mixture of freebie screensavers that can be easily downloaded on your PC. You can find a list of screensavers including 3-D style screensavers, cartoons, sports, movies, fantasy, nature, cars, and the list goes on. All these screensavers can give a new realistic look to your computer. At the time of downloading any screensaver you will be notified about the time the screensaver will take to load. Find a site which is easy to navigate and ensures good quality screensavers.
b) Free Desktop Wallpapers: Today one can download different varieties of wallpapers for their computer. You can find a list of wallpapers including digital wallpaper, free terminator 3 wallpaper and freeloader wallpapers. You can also download digital wallpapers which include 3D and abstract wallpapers, animal’s wallpapers, people wallpapers, theme wallpapers, nature wallpapers and many more. Get digital car wallpapers in two screen resolution sizes including 1024x768 and 800x600. You can also download free cool wallpapers, which include images of celebrities, models, animations and so on.
c) Free Desktop themes: Today one can find different varieties of desktop themes for your computer. You can download desktop themes like actors, actresses, models, TV shows, TV personalities and so on.
d) Free Fun Buddy Icon: Desktop freebies also include fun buddy icons. You can choose from thousands of custom icons and use them in your AOL, Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger chat programs. Once you download fun buddy icons in your computer you will notice an addition to your Internet explorer toolbar.
e) Free Smiley: Looking for some cool smiley to express your feelings while chatting. Today one can find number of sites that provide free smiley of different emotions and style. All you have to do is just choose from a wide list of smiley. You can find animated smiley, cute smiley, fixed smiley, fixed non smiley, picture smiley, animated non smiley, board smiley, Unclassified funny smiley and lots more.
f) Free Cursor: Are you bored using the same cursors installed in your computers. Get free cursors for your computer through different desktop freebies sites. You can download autumn cursors, Christmas cursors, 3D Cursors, Angels Cursors, Beach Cursors, Cars Cursors, Funny Cursors, Cute Cursors, Golf Cursors, Food Cursors and lots more.
Isabella Rodrigues writes for 4freebies.info, offering the latest information on freebies, visit them today and get the latest information on different types of free stuffs.
By Isabel Rodrigues
Are you looking for some free desktop freebies?
The Internet is hampered with free things and desktop freebies are no exception to it. Today one can find number of sites through which you can get free desktop freebies for your computer. All these freebies are easily downloadable on your computer. A proper search can help you download freebies that are totally safe and virus free. All you need to do is relax and select the best of desktop freebies for your PC.
Some of desktop freebies that can be downloaded free are:
a) Free Desktop Screensavers: Get a mixture of freebie screensavers that can be easily downloaded on your PC. You can find a list of screensavers including 3-D style screensavers, cartoons, sports, movies, fantasy, nature, cars, and the list goes on. All these screensavers can give a new realistic look to your computer. At the time of downloading any screensaver you will be notified about the time the screensaver will take to load. Find a site which is easy to navigate and ensures good quality screensavers.
b) Free Desktop Wallpapers: Today one can download different varieties of wallpapers for their computer. You can find a list of wallpapers including digital wallpaper, free terminator 3 wallpaper and freeloader wallpapers. You can also download digital wallpapers which include 3D and abstract wallpapers, animal’s wallpapers, people wallpapers, theme wallpapers, nature wallpapers and many more. Get digital car wallpapers in two screen resolution sizes including 1024x768 and 800x600. You can also download free cool wallpapers, which include images of celebrities, models, animations and so on.
c) Free Desktop themes: Today one can find different varieties of desktop themes for your computer. You can download desktop themes like actors, actresses, models, TV shows, TV personalities and so on.
d) Free Fun Buddy Icon: Desktop freebies also include fun buddy icons. You can choose from thousands of custom icons and use them in your AOL, Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger chat programs. Once you download fun buddy icons in your computer you will notice an addition to your Internet explorer toolbar.
e) Free Smiley: Looking for some cool smiley to express your feelings while chatting. Today one can find number of sites that provide free smiley of different emotions and style. All you have to do is just choose from a wide list of smiley. You can find animated smiley, cute smiley, fixed smiley, fixed non smiley, picture smiley, animated non smiley, board smiley, Unclassified funny smiley and lots more.
f) Free Cursor: Are you bored using the same cursors installed in your computers. Get free cursors for your computer through different desktop freebies sites. You can download autumn cursors, Christmas cursors, 3D Cursors, Angels Cursors, Beach Cursors, Cars Cursors, Funny Cursors, Cute Cursors, Golf Cursors, Food Cursors and lots more.
Isabella Rodrigues writes for 4freebies.info, offering the latest information on freebies, visit them today and get the latest information on different types of free stuffs.
By Isabel Rodrigues
Organize Your Folders to Optimize Efficiency

Files proliferate quickly on personal computers and, without a bit of planning, users can end up hunting through a long list of miscellaneous files with names that seemed sensible when they were created, but now appear very mysterious.
Windows automatically saves new text files in My Documents and graphics files in My Pictures unless you tell it differently- great for knowing where your files land, but not so great when it comes time to find them again. A little planning will help you create an easy to use organizational system for all your documents.
Using nested folders is an easy way to organize your documents. Do you use your computer for both personal and business projects? Think about creating a separate folder for "Personal" and "Business" documents. Within these folders, divide into additional categories.
In the "Personal" folder, you may find a mishmash of letters to friends and family, letters to the editor of your local newspaper, complaints to companies about unsatisfactory products, downloaded recipes and website pages about a variety of topics, and so on. A "Correspondence" folder could be divided into more folders labeled "Friends and Family" and "Business Correspondence"; the "Friends and Family" folder could be further subdivided into folders for each individual, assuming you correspond regularly; you could add a "Miscellaneous" folder for those you correspond with infrequently. If you communicate via email, you could also copy and paste or download your own emails and the responses you receive, particularly where the letters contain valuable information. Your "Friends and Family" folder may also be a good place to store personal photos.
Take a good look at the website downloads and miscellaneous files you've gathered. Do you have a lot of recipes, or information about vintage cars or alternative energy resources? Create broad categories, and then subdivide; "Alternative Energy Resources" suggests several subcategories: "Wind", "Solar", "Biodiesel", etc.
On the business end, you may have correspondence, project notes, background materials, finished and in-progress writings, and a variety of financial files. A number of organizational options present themselves; in terms of financial files, do you want to group them all together in a single folder and subdivide as necessary? Or do you want to keep the financial files with the corresponding project files?
Say you do freelance work for several companies, and have a variety of files for each company. One method of organizing is to create a "Freelance" folder, then a folder for each client; subdivide each of these into "General Information", "Projects", "Invoices", "Correspondence", and so on. The "Invoices" folder for each client could be subdivided again by year, and contain all invoices you've sent the client. "Projects" folders could be subdivided into "New Projects", "Work in Progress", "Done but not Sent" (for files you need to submit), and "Sent". This not only helps you saves finished files, but allows you to organize your work as you do it.
In the "Freelance" folder, you may also want to provide a "Financial Summary" folder containing one or several files which summarize the financial information for all clients.
While you're planning your file organization, also give some thought to how to name your files. It helps to create a systematic way of naming files. Invoices, for instance, could include "Invoice" plus the name of your client, the project, and the date submitted: "Invoice Harvard Stephen Crane 10-20-2005". Correspondence about the project could be labeled "Correspondence Harvard Stephen Crane 10-20-2005". It's easy enough to rename existing files to fit into your new organization plan; in Windows, simply right-click on the file's icon, scroll down to "Rename", left-click, then type in the new name.
Don't forget to back up your files! Burn a CD to save your information and free up your hard drive in the process. And apply the same type of planning with your backup files as you do on your hard drive. A little organization can make your life on the computer a whole lot easier.
By Aldene Fredenburg
How to buy the perfect PC

PCs have become a staple in every home. Without PCs, you will find it hard to stay connected and to even do the work required of you in school or in the office. With so much PC packages being shoved to our throat every time we go to department stores and computer shops, you’ll really get quite confused on what you really need and what PC package will fit your budget and lifestyle. To help you through this dilemma, here is a brief backgrounder of the parts of PCs that you should get to know. Processor. This is one of the three primary components of your PC. The processor is the part that determines how fast your computer process information. Intel is still the leading brand in processors but competitors such as American Micro Devices (AMD) are slowly catching up, offering cheaper alternative. In shopping for a processor, one should consider the following: Clock speed – this will show the number of instructions that a computer can execute in a second. This usually comes after the brand name. Processors nowadays are already set at the gigahertz range. Cache memory – this stores the data that were previously accessed. This simplifies the work of the computer as it would not take twice as long to access information already stored in memory bank. Without a cache memory, much of the work will fall on the RAM (Random Access Memory). Operating temperature – some processors easily heats up. Before buying, make sure that you have asked about the operating temperature just in case you need to buy additional fans or put the computer in an air-conditioned room. RAM (Random Access Memory). RAM serves as the temporary memory of the PC, containing information that are needed for the computer and the programs to function. In addition to processors, RAM also determines the speed of the computer. The higher the RAM, the faster the computer is in accessing information and responding to commands. Motherboard This is where all the parts of the PC’s CPU (Central Processing Unit) are attached. Some motherboards already have videocards and soundcards embedded on it while others don’t. what is important however is to choose a motherboard that is compatible with your RAM and processor. Incompatibility of PC hardware can cause major problems and may even lead to the breakdown of your computer. Hard drive. This is the part where you store all the information in your PC. Picture a floppy disk with much much larger storing capacity. The hard drive serves as the permanent memory of your computer. Here you install all your programs and save all the documents that you need. It is also important that you buy a hard drive with really big capacity especially now when people are so used to storing multimedia files that may use up a lot of hard drive space. Video cards This is the part of the computer which determines the quality of the multimedia images that you will view. The higher the memory of the video card, the better is the picture quality and the colors. Also, video cards are also responsible for how fast multimedia images are accessed. This is especially needed if you use your computer for multimedia activities such as watching a movie or playing video games.
By Dee Kerr
Intel Core i5 655K
In one again Model , from species , Unlocked , with , Intel Core i5 655K , which , here with , CPUZ , in , V.1.54 , this that we will think it still names Model , of CPU , in first line comes out that , still , be , Intel Core i5 650 , stay , but , in the area of the channel , Specification , to read the value is from CPU , that directly , as a result , can name Model , of CPU , get correctly 655K all detail other part , may not different from CPU , in Model 650 , according to we will have delivered a speech to go to neither are the speed of CPU , the office with 3.2GHz speeds s in usual mode and topmost that 3.46GHz in the condition , Turbo Mode , including Stepping , of CPU , as a result , still be Stepping , same with , Core i5 600Series , every previously Model be K.
Intel Core i7 875K
This time we come to see reserve the detail of CPU , in Model Core i7 875K , from the way , CPUZ , prevent ? please ( yes sir ) , , for the all detail that appear to come out that us will think nothing is formed , indicate immediately [ Ok ] that CPU this can fine enhance or , abase multiply by get very a little ? , which , everything , still go to according to we have ever to see come to on CPU , in Model , every 870 type points relativeses are , still come to in the password , Lynnfield , and use the size of the procedure produces at 45nm part speed standard that levels will that 2.93GHz and in the mode , Turbo Mode , that can move can go up tall arrive at 3.6GHz but , we will can see the speed has in 3.6GHz levels from a mainboard of intel , by oneself only , but , in today we have chosen to use a mainboard from the way , GIGABYTE , then make can not see get arrive at the speed aforementioned , that for , some aspects function of that make our producer can lock multiplier level , in the dot , Turbo Mode , get which , be at the level , x24 , both of 4 the axle , then make god other mainboard unless , intel , already that like to to appear the speed in the mode , Turbo Mode , get 3.2GHz just or , the multiplier in the level , x24 only.
Intel Core i5 600Series Family
Next to Model Core i7 875K , this time we , come to see reserve in one again Model , from in species , Core i5 600Series , which , with CPU , in species aforementioned this , all previously , will have come to give choose use prevent 4 Model amounts together are , Core i5 650, 660,661 , and 670 and in today , have increase come to in one again Model , be , Intel Core i5 655K , which , certainly that , it is one in CPU , again one at have no locking multiplier , which , if , stare from the table above that already us , meet that , Spec , all of CPU , in Model 655K , that , go to straight with CPU , in Model 650 , every the points also with in species before that 875K = 870 which , this time , also 655K = 650 nothing modifies or , different go out even a little , the thing is different , just the demotion locks that make multiplier has can to enhance the multiplier type , free there , the part will in one again the dot that may will suspect that , already a concerned person , GPU , or not is the location within vacate to have the change ? still has is having to come to can is usable or not , the answer is still every originally the points has no the change translates anything also , thus the conclusion of , Intel Core i5 655K , as a result , can summarize that , it is , Intel Core i5 650 , at don't lock the multiplier there , the part in hidden agenda all detail of CPU in species aforementioned this if , ? that must , knowwing data adds , as a result , can enter follow can see [ praise ] from , begin 32nm Westmere take new era with , Intel Core i5 600Series , the part in other dot interesting of 655K , may not different from in Mobel 875K , be about [ story ] of performing fee price that it cheap more than the big brother in its species (s lose/go dead ) again , which , valuable the lowland more is about 80USD but , still expensive 650 more be about 40USD.
Intel Core i7 800Series Family

In this dot , beg for explain in like [ model ] to be simple and understand fast then , please ( yes sir ) for CPU bilateral model , this new , for first with CPU in model Intel Core i7 875K , which , we , there is the table compares with to come to can see [ praise ] of CPU , all in species , Core i7 800Series , for CPU , in this species until today us , think have can choose use two model , previously be , Core i7 870 and Core i7 860 , which , the all detail of CPU , in two model , this every you , should know good sure but if ? that still don't know about the detail in like [ model ] , the ins and outs and eager to know , as a result , can enter follow see [ praise ] a story has in detail its from begin CPU species is new Intel Core i7 800Series & Core i5 700 Series Code Name " Lynnfield " , and when , know prevent already we , cross come to see still model , new in model 875K , prevent please ( yes sir ) which , from spec at appear that we will meet that spec all have no the difference anything from in , model 870 , even a little both of in about [ story ] of all speed and value rate , TDP , that still be equal by all , and unless , the detail has in the table here already in the part of production all both of Technology , be finished , have no the difference anything , it still come to in production password that uses the name that Lynnfield , and use the procedure produces in 45nm sizes also with 870 every the points , from the all data here us may can summarize in like [ model ] to is simple immediately [ Ok ] that god Intel Core i7 875K , that it is , Intel Core i7 870 , at have no locking multiplier only but that make its that thing has the interestedness more and more are will about [ story ] of the price to will think , be high class of lowland price 870 more stay very , which , valuable that be similar to with , CPU , in model Core i7 860 only.
What new Intel Core i7 875K and Intel Core i5 655K Processors

For in today with , Intel Core i7 875K , and , Intel Core i5 655K , which , be regarded as CPU in two again model , new late from the way intel , and come to and Series , new late also with in species , Unlocked , by the dot observes of the be , Unlocked , that we will can can observe from the letter " K " to have follow rear the password model , of CPU , by fetch the alphabet " K " aforementioned this the word that Unlocked , there , and the meaning of the word that , Unlocked , in this place it , will have or not is the meaning that like ? different froms , Extreme Edition , how much is the some ? extremely , except , there is using name calls new only , because , the thing that us will receive from CPU , in species , Unlocked , that the demotion locks of multiplier level in CPU , to can fine go up get type The free also with CPU , in species , Extreme Edition , and if , turn back stare get back with CPU , in middle level that have model Extreme Edition , can choose use be CPU , in mode intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 , that by oneself , which , be regarded as be CPU model , last in species of , Core 2 Duo , previously by thereafter have choose use , just CPU , in the level , Quad-Core , only , and come to in today it , come back again but , come to in the name of new only by use the name that Unlocked , at we have been mentioning this there , thus in today will think us has will CPU , in like [ model ] , do not lock the multiplier with CPU , in Series , middle and Series , very small type , Core i5 600Series , at have just two the axle adds , Hypertrreading , come to can choose be usable already , in addition that price , no tall very type in the past again , because , in the past has according to deliver a speech go to already that , if , be CPU , in species , Extreme Edition , at don't lock that price multiplier of CPU , at least then be during about 900-1000USD low like , now then ( yes sir ) , this time we have all right to know go to already that , the meaning of the word that , , Unlocked , be ? , and have how is the source that go to ? from this moment us , go to make oneself known to someone build [ wasp ] with CPU , The bilateral , Model , at begin come to in species aforementioned this that , what is it has will ? fresh new or different from originally in the be , Intel Core i7 800Series of Core i7 875K , and , Intel Core i5 600Series , of , Core i5 655K .
"Unlocked Series" New Intel Processor Intel Core i7 875K and Intel Core i5 655K Processors
Hello! ( yes sir ) for in today with a story that us will have come to take see [ praise ] that , as a result , will get into trouble a railing of CPU , in again one area species intel , just have something , begin go to when , the period date 31 May , preceding with CPU , the area is intel , get call that Unlocked Series , that by oneself , for the name will call here may still don't sound familiar very extremely but if we have known acting as come to that go to of the word that Unlocked , that where is it has been from ? why already then , assure that , every you will should must cry Uhm. certainly , for the detail in this that part awhile us has will the mention during next , the part is Model of CPU in species , Unlocked Series , this that in for the first time this the way intel , all right begin come out can choose use two model , together assemble go to with , Intel Core i7 875K and Intel Core i5 655K , which , from the name model , here many you see then , may as if , look familiar unexpectedly , because , it , should be number one CPU , from species , Core i7 800Series and Core i5 600Series but with the alphabet K at follow rear come to that what is it is ? , and the issue aforementioned this by oneself is the thing that us will have come to make oneself known to someone from now with CPU , in two model , at we have mentioned go to.
Intel begin Processor safety topmost zone for data center

Processor , the new model that produce with , Hi-k metal gate , and 32nm second generation , cooperate the system heals the safety , efficiency , and energy saving , together divisibly.
News issue :
- Processor produce with 32nm production generation first Technologies for customer organization group , systematically heal the safety in , enhance side justice safe capacity of the data and the system , Virtualization of saver.
- increase efficiency of saver get topmost arrive at 60 percentages when , compare with , saver Processor , the generation is other , data center , can use saver , new this model replaces saver , model singlecore that must use very arrive at 15 , pay back during the time 5 just month only.
- Processor a kind lies hidden first generation at has 6 core give topmost efficiency for the equipment builds to believe in all.
- Desktop Processor , the level is topmost Hi end come to fully interesting efficiency for use to build the digital content modify 3D pictures are usable , Multitasking heavy and playying game the PC model extremely.
Processor , new this model is chip , for Saver , and Workstation , first generation at , use production Technology like [ model ] 32nm the new model , by have the lead takes the transistor , high-k metal gate , second generation of intel , come to use for enhance the speed in the work and decrease using rate , the energy down , Processor series , this have the amount core , very arrive at 6 core build [ wasp ] Processor , and give the efficiency has topmost to arrive at 60 percentages when , compare with intel (TM) Xeon(TM) series 5500 Processor , at use production Technology like [ model ] , 45nm besides data center still can use just saver the new model just one , replace using Saver , like [ model ] Single Core 15 amounts have interestedly , by can pay back get the light in the period of time just 5 month only.
Intel QuickPath Interconnect Technology (QPI)

In this our part , get come to that , prevent arrive at in about [ story ] of , Intel Quickpath Interconnect Technology or that call briefly that , QPI , that vacate , for the principle works of way god takes to send speed tall data at is known that , QPI , the part in today the thing that us has will coming to will repeat that is in about [ story ] of with regard to , way , Intel , have way expansion or group QPI aforementioned this compound come to again one the group will originally from to have to come to one just the group on CPU in species , Bloomfield , but with Gulftown in today it has will to come to two all the group together , and we come to see that , the reason that must have the expansion comes in to are two that group because , what , or because , when CPU there is the axle evaluates more and more , then necessary to must have the way in taking sends wide data goes up with , in fact already will ? that we come to follow see [ praise ] the answer ( yes sir )
For the way takes to send the data that the name that , QPI , this at have to have the expansion comes in to are two that group because , way , intel , by oneself , have planning will to give CPU , in species , Gulftown or Westmere 6 core , this have various usabilities more and more , in this place will mean the character of the lead will go to is usable to can choose can use both of in Pat the form , Desktop , or , Pat the form , Workstation , and , Server , in principle already that having comes to of QPI two group amount will see and is usable effectively when , there is the usability on Pat the form , Workstation or Server , more than , because , in Pat the will form aforementioned this like to to have the usability in the format of , Multi-CPU or there is using CPU , one more than , by the group QPI at compound come to again one the group is will the way for use in transmitting data between CPU , together by oneself
In case of , there is using CPU two amount at the same time , the part in one again the group , will the way for use to take send the data between , IOH Chip , soft CPU and if , be in case of of , Path From Desktop , usual that the way QPI as a result , might still perform at not different from in the age of , Bloomfield , anyhow , be the channel takes to send the data between , CPU and IOH by pillar duty of IOH , that will the group , Pci-express Controller , for link up Graphic card , and lead the data from Graphic , a card sends to come in to CPU and memory , for do the data processing , and return go to again for show there , information other division from Chipset ICH or Southbridge , as a result , will still transmit way way that the name that , DMI , reach Chipset IOH , and change reach CPU change the way of , QPI next.
What is Intel "Gulftown" i7 980X Westmere 32nm
Since , begin reach pillar our story in today the vocabulary that many person s will should , begin stick the ears more and more then , might the word that , , Westmere 32nm , for here it is production architecture , and use the size of the procedure produces at 32nm part detail sizes of the background , should get know already that , Westmere be Nehalem in like model to condense get down , at still have no structure change or , what is the Technology ? very extremely , have , just the change of using , High-K Metal Gate , in 2 ages and have the expansion come in of the instruction set that are known that AES there , this time in today with arriving( in/at ) of CPU , in the password Model , that ,Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X , The that , certainly that , the way is intel , by oneself , must have ? new come to can give us is usable again as usual , at first with first dot big that dot , might What's the matter? other go to can not if be not about [ story ] of neck amount or , the axle evaluates for CPU in Model , to beg for call briefly that , 980X this that be CPU , in Model first on species Extreme Edition of year 2010 , to come to and the axle evaluates very arrive at 6 the axle , (6 Core) , together with , still bear the Technology , Hyper-Threding , also with CPU , in species , Core i7 , previously , and that , mean CPU , in Model 980X , this have Thread , in many works arrive at 12 Thread , which , as a result , like with that , we have CPU , in like model 12 the axle is working with , PC our the part of of production password as has known already that , it is , Westmere , the part of of , Code name that , there is the change happens also , which , in this time the way intel get name call of Die CPU in Model , aforementioned this that " Gulftown " , for the name calls aforementioned this , will one ( part ) to can help in implying , position level of CPU , by oneself that , will arrange stay in which level , and if , stare at this time , be held to be , Gulftown ,
that will CPU in the level , Hi-end Desktop and Hi-end Server etc.
that will CPU in the level , Hi-end Desktop and Hi-end Server etc.
New Intel® Core i7 Code name " Gulftown " First Westmere Six Core Processor
In the part of the countenance and the size of CPU , The that , here from , might obviously seen vegetarian food [ J letter horn ] has urged already that , still will have no the difference froms originally , very extremely , if , be in the part of on the top which , be the area of IHS ( , a carapace is ) , then already can speak fully that , have no the difference anything even a little from CPU , in the age of , Bloomfield , that , because of , that , god , Gulftown , this , still come to in Pat the form LGA-1366 stay there , then not about [ story ] to must surprised at a face and the size will still have no the change , modify , but , the part that have the difference goes out that unless , about [ story ] of the amount Core , already that the area , below ( , infront a plan ) , will have the a little difference , in the part of something the equipment that sets up that is the location of , R and C , center area , how is the part will that different ? that awhile us has the answer comes to can see [ praise ] during infront please
when we have done installation CPU and open to upward are usable that already if , we open to see in the area of , Task Manager , we , will meet with the channel pours to pour evaluate loud enormously a picture , and when , we try run a program is or , Aplication , any work base in like [ model ] ,Multi-Thread we will think the work aforementioned that , will touch [ cheap ] distribute 12 the part equals to the amount of Thread CPU , that exist that vacate ( yes sir )

New 2010 Intel i7 Westmere 32nm

From beginning of CPU , in species Intel Core i5 600Series , and , Intel Core i3 500Series , when , the beginning last that year , as a result , make us has known with CPU , at known the architecture that ,Westmere , for the first time , by coming in to the age of , Westmere , this that all right come to and the size in the procedure produce in 32nm levels which , regard the change from the way intel , typical at oneself calls to keep that , Tick-Tock , and if , ask for the architecture that the name that , Westmere , that this unless , what is with regard to will use production Technology has in 32nm sizes already that it still has will ? new or , different from the architecture previously originally in , the age of procedure size produces that 45nm that is known that , Nehalem ? that , for the answer in about [ story ] aforementioned this in today [hair] me does will not beg for to come to tell repeated anyhow again please , ( yes sir ) , but if ? that want to know that , what is it is ? , there is how is the source that go to ? more will come to is , Westmere 32nm
Which , in about [ story ] aforementioned this beg for advise that , should get back follow a little before , so that , will get understand our story in well today and fast increasingly that , by oneself , because , in today main our issue , will have coming to mentions in the part of the word that " Gulftown " which , famous god will deliver a speech this is in the part of the name , Code Name , of CPU , in Model Core i7 Extreme 980X , at we will have come to do learning and test in today , which , be CPU , in Model , new late in species , Core i7 900Series (LGA-1366) , from the way Intel to have beginning at the same time the worldwide in there today
Which , in about [ story ] aforementioned this beg for advise that , should get back follow a little before , so that , will get understand our story in well today and fast increasingly that , by oneself , because , in today main our issue , will have coming to mentions in the part of the word that " Gulftown " which , famous god will deliver a speech this is in the part of the name , Code Name , of CPU , in Model Core i7 Extreme 980X , at we will have come to do learning and test in today , which , be CPU , in Model , new late in species , Core i7 900Series (LGA-1366) , from the way Intel to have beginning at the same time the worldwide in there today
Gulftown Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X Westmere 32nm
Hello! ( yes sir ) ....meet meet in date 11 March 2553 according to get promise keep which as a result , according to from lead story presents , when , Sunday on the weekend at we , present go to for ? that miss can't go to follow , try turn back see [ praise ] Poster "Gulftown Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X Westmere 32nm" , at we have stuck to take in section of Sunday Specials , can please ( yes sir ) now then today might nothing comes to greet enjoy very extremely us comes to reach the issue of about [ story ] , pillar railing in today please ( yes sir ) ,for today which , be date 11 March 2553 or , straight with year , A.C. 2010 is which , will again one on (day) all member in computer set concentrates one's attention to wait wait for , prevent attentively , because , in today be day begin officially of CPU , one again Model , new late from the way , Intel , in like [ model ] Core i7 , there , for CPU , in new species is late our will in today is CPU , at we will may deliver a speech , immediately [ Ok ] that , be number one in CPU , at the power most on the earth , at this time for , Desktop PC
Which as a result , will come to and new abnormality for the first time in the realm again from the way intel , at associate with with the trend of , Multi-Core , in nowadays at -ing popular extensively , at first from CPU , at we are will usable have 1 just the neck or , 1 the axle evaluates , from that time arrive at one one time age , travel reach the time of , Dual-Core or CPU 2 , the axle evaluates , next come to in again one the age is the age of CPU , in like [ model ] Quad-Core or CPU , at have the axle evaluates very arrive at 4 the axle , but only still not enough [ when ] everything still step to go to in front of , at last the way , intel , all right turn back come to usable ancient Technology of oneself who time one as if , picked forget all the acquired knowledge go to already , for axle like Technology or , that know in the name of Hyper-Threading ,
Until make us has can to see is usable CPU , that like with that , there is the axle evaluates very arrive at 8 the axle evaluates , by for the first time at we have seen with CPU , that this arriving( in/at ) of the architecture , that be known that Nehalem there and at today only 8 the axle or , the neck look as if it will be ainglittle go to losed , because , the thing that us will have come to make oneself known to someone and chat in that today it can give , more that than , how much is the part has will to increase come to very ? that , awhile we come to follow see [ praise ] see please ( yes sir ) that , the development hits to miss from the age of Nehalem reach the time of Westmere
Conclusion Core i5 600Series and Core i3 500Series
The conclusion has in the overall image already for CPU in species , Core i5 600Series and Core i3 500Series new password has just to have beginning , there is the interestedness in itself many , with the ability will to can meet the requirement stretchly , can support get both of Pat price form economize that don't emphasize about of the efficiency , in high-level such as the filtration comes in to are , System , initial for the initiator is usable or , the filtration uses in the character of , Home Entertainment , as a result , see have the suitability good like , both of about [ story ] of performing fee level will build [ wasp ] the efficiency to will receive to come back , the part in one again group of work users that wants the efficiency in the level that rather tall but do not want to pay very heavy extremely , but still That will do. will meet the requirement has in the level that is satisfiable both of in playying game , see the movies , listen to the music and be usable general only may must seek Graphic , a card adds to come in a little again or if want the efficiency are worthwhile with the amount of money more and more , we will may must depend on in about [ story ] of something Overclcok , direct to the point this , may must live a mainboard in upland level upwards once more type in , species , P55 all can do type not difficult anyhow , at last this might try sit pose a question oneself a little that , our that requirement , at which dot the level any if there is the answer has given with by oneself already may is not about [ story ] difficult again for the making a decision , that , it enough is or not?
Intel Core i5/i7 LGA1156 Family

Come to see prevent in the part of , Hardware , alive life-size ? please which , may must not narrate ? very then , get for about [ story ] of the countenance , at this time for when it comes to in Pat the form LGA-1156 as a result , should mean the figure and all size of CPU will still have no the difference , anything from CPU the senior previously type , Intel Core i7 800Series and Intel Core i5 700Series ,

For the difference that happen to come to ? between , Intel Core i5 750Series and Intel Core i5 600Series , that can can see physical from that will stay in the area of , Capacitors very small at set up stay in center area at the bottom of Packet CPU or at we will like to to like to call that , be the location of L-Cache which obviously seen that , there is the a little amount very much mores for CPU s in Mobel Core i5 661

Move come in can see [ praise ] like [ model ] clearly that between , Intel Core i5 661 and Intel Core i5 750 , at both differ C fat [ P letter ] urge on Pat the form LGA1156 different in about [ story ] of procedure size produces and coming in of , Integrate GFX of Core i5 661 but the amount of Pin or ,a leg C fat [ P letter ] urge that still have the amount that is equal are 1156 Pin and all position , no different anyhow even a little for this case , repeat see immediately [ Ok ] that CPU bilateral be this species , will can induce choose usable get from both of mainboard in species P55 Chipset or species H55 H57 and Q57 undoubtedly

For the difference that happen to come to ? between , Intel Core i5 750Series and Intel Core i5 600Series , that can can see physical from that will stay in the area of , Capacitors very small at set up stay in center area at the bottom of Packet CPU or at we will like to to like to call that , be the location of L-Cache which obviously seen that , there is the a little amount very much mores for CPU s in Mobel Core i5 661

Move come in can see [ praise ] like [ model ] clearly that between , Intel Core i5 661 and Intel Core i5 750 , at both differ C fat [ P letter ] urge on Pat the form LGA1156 different in about [ story ] of procedure size produces and coming in of , Integrate GFX of Core i5 661 but the amount of Pin or ,a leg C fat [ P letter ] urge that still have the amount that is equal are 1156 Pin and all position , no different anyhow even a little for this case , repeat see immediately [ Ok ] that CPU bilateral be this species , will can induce choose usable get from both of mainboard in species P55 Chipset or species H55 H57 and Q57 undoubtedly
CPU Intel Core i3 500Series & Core i5 600Series
Intel Core i5 600Series

Intel Core i3 500Series

Intel Core i3 500Series

From the table above for CPU in species , Core i5 600Series , that assemble go to 4 Model all together with be , Intel Core i5 650, 660, 661 , and 670 for the difference that happen that distributed is two the group together is in , first group in 3 Model amounts s are will 650, 660 and 670 have the difference , just in the part of the speed in the data processing that is high class something , 3.2GHz, 3.33GHz fast and 3.46GHz respectively , speed data processing part in the part of , GPU , that will have the speed that equal three both of Model , be work at 733MHz speeds and last with value rate , TDP , as a result , will high class at equal 73W the part one again Model , at have the similarity resembles with in Model 660 , which , be Model 661 , that if , stare reserve the speed of CPU then , will work at the speed equally is 3.33GHz the speed in the mode , Turbo , as a result , be equal be 3.6GHz but , different thing has will just the speed of GPU to have who is the speed in upland level more ? a friend is 900MHz have upland speed more than friends in 167MHz same groups causes value level , TDP , move tall go up be that 87W
New PCH Solution Intel H55 Express Chipset

New Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Instructions

We come to that , prevent build [ wasp ] with in the part has that to owe keep from the beginning for a story of word group , order the new prostitute that is known that , AES by the way intel that have installation instruction set aforementioned this add to come in give with CPU in the age of Westmere The this for the instruction set , AES this that will instruction pertaining to preservation safety set of the data for something , enter the code and decrypt all data had that to wrote down go to on , HDD to can read write the password has given with the data quickly because , will reaching , the password in the level , Hardware from originally to have coding in the level , Software only ,for coding of the instruction set AES the new prostitute from intel The that , will still support the standard of , AES Key lengths or the level of safety password such as 128, 196 and 256bits at are are bingusable in now , by the instruction set AES all at get pack come to that will assemble go to with 6 the instruction set together is , AESENC, AESENCLAST, AESDEC, AESDELAST, AESIMC , and , AESKEYGENASSIST ,
By will have the distribution goes out to are two the group , in first group assembles to go to 4 with the instruction set is , AESENC, AESENCLAST, AESDEC, AESDELAST , to help in coding and decrypt in high-level can inspire correctly and wholly , speed from that time in again two instruction remainder set is , AESIMC and AESKEYGENASSIS will perform support the growth of the instruction set , AES next on the other hand for the instruction set , AES all here may have the calling has in again the one name that ,VAESENC, VAESENCLAST, VAESDEC, VAESDELAST, VAESIMC and VAESKEYGENASSIST , and this again one source freshness and the age will of 32nm Westmere to help to give the data of , HDD both of that child has the safety more and more in addition still can can work quickly go up as well...
By will have the distribution goes out to are two the group , in first group assembles to go to 4 with the instruction set is , AESENC, AESENCLAST, AESDEC, AESDELAST , to help in coding and decrypt in high-level can inspire correctly and wholly , speed from that time in again two instruction remainder set is , AESIMC and AESKEYGENASSIS will perform support the growth of the instruction set , AES next on the other hand for the instruction set , AES all here may have the calling has in again the one name that ,VAESENC, VAESENCLAST, VAESDEC, VAESDELAST, VAESIMC and VAESKEYGENASSIST , and this again one source freshness and the age will of 32nm Westmere to help to give the data of , HDD both of that child has the safety more and more in addition still can can work quickly go up as well...
Cpu and GFX Intel Turbo Boots Technology " Dynamic Frequency "

For in this our dot will have chest edge arrives at in the detail of the Technology that is known that Intel Turbo Boost once again one for for this case should be believable that many you will in this place might know good (stay) [doing that action] already but may still have many you who still strange with the Technology aforementioned this and still including the addition comes in in the part of Integrate-GFX that make participate one of Intel Turbo Boost there is the change or develop increase go to for the detail in the part of that CPU us will might not chest repeated edge again in today the part will have to mention that , will the work accompanies with of , CPU and GFX , by the way intel ,all right have the Technology in same this character with GFX ,time location but , will use the name calls that , Dynamic Frequency , replace there

the work of the god , Dynamic Frequency , that at the beginning will have the principle works that resemble with the Technology , Intel Speed Step of CPU previously , to can enhance decrease the speed of GFX , give appropriate the condition of load or , the work in each the time such , but what is it has will ? more than that because , at this time , GFX , get gallop total up suit , CPU already in principle the beginning of , Dynamic Frequency , that in case of if The GFX , have no work responsibility or , must evaluate anything of Graphic the speed of GFX as a result , healed keep at the speed is one
But at the same time if , CPU has work responsibility comes in , part energy will to must pay to give with , GFX that can induce pay give with , CPU replace make CPU can enhance the speed has of the work in the mode ,Turbo Boost and on the contrary if CPU , have no work responsibility anything , the speed of CPU will touch [ cheap ] decrease the speed gets down in the one dot but , GFX that have necessary work that must show of 3D or , 2D no matter but ,the energy will at first may must pay to give with , CPU that don't have to be usable at this time , as a result , brought compensate give with , GFX make can enhance the speed of GFX ,go up get in the one level
For the Technology , Dynamic Frequency , this that will have the usability on Pat the form , Mobile only because Pat the form , Mobile will have the limitation of of source reed energy that , Pat the form , Desktop , Pat form part , Desktop , the speed of , GFX touch [cheap] Fix take keep fixed that , work at how much is the speed ? but ,for the speed of that CPU , still have using Technology ,Turbo Boost usual
New CPU Intel® Core i5,i3 32nm Code name Clarkdale First Westmere Processor Fimily
Be again of handle change that be something modify technological of Microprocessor time big when arriving( in/at ) of the age Westmere 32nm leader type area intel get build upward that the gallop totals up to take the group Graphic Chip or Integrate GFX enter total up with CPU which in this place mean at this time unless CPU will perform in data pillar processing has already it will still can show a picture or evaluate of Graphic get as well about [ story ] this numr one interesting freshness not a little for CPU in Mobel first at we will have met with Integrate GFX that be CPU in species Intel Core i5 and Core i3 that use Code Name that " Clarkdale " ( CPU in species Desktop) Pat form part will that use still is LGA-1156 such originally as for the god GFX at have the gallop totals up to suit CPU that will use the procedure produces at 45nm sizes s by if we stare to enter under a carapace (IHS) of CPU we will think beneath a carapace CPU that have DIE stay together two the group which , the one group will that have small-sized more is DIE of CPU at use procedure size produces that 32nm on password production base , Westmere , that get deliver a speech already, the part again DIE that will the part of the group Integrate Controller ,that not only have Graphic Chip but will still including the group IMC (Integrate Memory Controller) and PCIe Controller directly this we will may deliver a speech to like [ model ] to take all of can total up that it is chipset Northbridge there for the clearness for this case for easy build [ wasp ] understanding that we try to go to stare reserve the illustration has at the bottom that single out to come to see [ praise ] that in each Die what is hiding place stays beneath CPU its carapace has is assembling ?
From a picture above us will can see that from DIE bilateral the group by left hand side is will in the part of Intergrate Controller the part on the right a hand is DIE of CPU for this case we will chest edge go to each the part begins from DIE on the left a hand for in diagram we will meet with all part that can distribute about 6 pillar part area part will that have big large-sized most that is of I-GFX(integrate-Graphic) by the god Graphic Chip this have develop hit miss be from Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X4500HD or that service on Chipset in the password Intel G45 there by in this time the way intel no name call in like [ model ] number password gives with IGFX of the self anyhow there is just the name calls that call to keep that Intel HD Graphics only for the thing that have to develop hit miss is from X4500HD in interesting part assemble go to with Dual Video Decode in the level Hi-Def, which that will mean we will can open to play movie file in the level Hi-Def , get arrive at two the group at the same including time sound system also taking off base the password in like [ model ] Dual Audio Stream detail other part in that detail conclude to take see [ praise ] from the table compares with the way , next below thing part will have to come to tell to each other build [ wasp ] is in the part of PCIe / Memory Controller the location within by memory that be usable share that certainly that , flee don't pass DDR3 which support the usability in the mode Dual-Channel at 1333MHz speeds and the part of PCIe , that still have topmost wideness 16x Lane with Pci-e 2.0 16x amount of the way in this place will depend on mainboard producer again that will have the distribution slot or stick stand Slot Pci-e x16 , for Graphic how many is a card comes to on a mainboard Slot because already the group Controler this still support Technology usability CrossfireX from the way ATI in the level Hardware such originally as , finally for in the part of Diagram other both of river bank left channel and right hand at us think be known that repeated between that it is the way for use in taking sends the data between there...
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